Mon-Thurs 4-10pm, Fri 4pm-midnight, Sat 12pm-midnight, Sun 12-10pm.
3230 N Clark St Chicago IL 60657   |   (773) 857-1037
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Library additions | Wonderland’s War | Creature Comforts

stack of games featuring wonderland's war, in the hall of the mountain king, creature comforts, fossilis, wreck raiders

New board games added to the library this week (4/22):

Wonderland’s War – In Wonderland’s War, 2-5 players take the role as a faction leader who has been invited to the Hatter’s tea party. Drink tea and eat cake as you move around the table drafting cards to gather your forces, build your towers, upgrade your leader, and recruit Wonderlandians to your cause — but one must be careful as shards of the Looking Glass are spread throughout Wonderland. Once all the plates are empty, the Tea Party is over and war begins. Use the forces you gathered to battle your enemies in familiar locations, but make sure not to draw your shard chips or your towers will fall and you will be out of the fight. Can you muster enough strength to win the battle, or will you just try to gain region bonuses for set scoring throughout the game instead?

wonderland's war

Creature Comforts – Spend the Spring, Summer, and Fall gathering different goods from the forest and spending them to collect items that will make your home more inviting while the world outside is covered in a layer of snow. Each round you send family members out to various locations in an attempt to gain supplies. If they fall short of their goal, they’ll learn a lesson and be better prepared next time. The family that has created the most comfortable den wins the game.



Fossilis – An incredible new dinosaur graveyard has been discovered, and if the early findings are any indication, it could be a treasure trove of fossils and bones like the world has never seen! 2 to 5 players become paleontologists working the dig site with shovels, whisk brooms, and chisels looking for a find that could make their career. Features a unique 3D dig site board with recessed pockets filled with dinosaur bones, and thick, chunky terrain tiles that cover the dig site.


Wreck Raiders – An innovative dice-drafting worker placement system. Choose a die from the pool, then send one of your divers to any spot on the board with that number. But be warned: the spot you choose will help any diver in the spots next to you, whether they’re friendly or not. Will you risk letting a rival in on your haul to get that treasure you want, or can you find a way to grab yourself some extra loot?

In the Hall of the Mountain King – Play as trolls rebuilding your abandoned kingdom under the mountain!. With muscle and magic, you’ll unearth riches, dig out collapsed tunnels, and carve out great halls as you raise the toppled statues of your ancestors to their places of honor at the heart of the mountain. Gameplay is driven by the innovative cascading production system. Timing and tactics are key as you work to restore your home to its former glory and win the crown!

New beers in the drink fridge this week:

Face Melter IPA – Burnt City Brewing
Hibiscus IPA

Thunderbird  – Miskatonic Brewing
Tiramisu imperial stout

Bleacher Bum – Spiteful Brewing
Peach blonde ale

Make a reservation to try any of these at our Tock page!


Mon-Thurs: 4-10pm

Fri: 2p-12a

Fri: 4pm-midnight

Sat: 12pm-midnight

Sun: 12-10pm